ABB 362PMI50-30 SF6 Circuit Breaker


Substation Breaker: SF6 Circuit Breaker

Condition: Remanufactured

Model: 362PMI50-30

kV: 345

Amp: 3000

Quantity: 2

The ABB 362PMI50-30 SF6 circuit breaker is a high-performance substation breaker designed for power transmission and electric substation applications. The ABB 362PMI50-30 SF6 Circuit Breaker circuit breaker is a reliable and cost-effective solution for electrical grid systems. With its durable construction and proven ABB engineering, this 345KV ABB circuit breaker is ideal for demanding environments and ensures system stability and safety. The ABB 362PMI50-30 SF6 Circuit Breaker is designed for a nominal system voltage of 345KV and has a continuous current rating of 3000A. The ABB 362PMI50-30 345KV circuit breaker is equipped with a low-maintenance, spring-operated mechanism that ensures consistent performance over its lifespan. The ABB 345KV circuit breaker utilizes SF6 gas insulation technology, providing superior dielectric strength and efficient arc quenching during operation.

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ABB SF6 Circuit Breaker FAQs

What is the voltage and current rating for the ABB 362PMI50-30 SF6 circuit breaker?

This 3-phase ABB circuit breaker is rated for 345KV and 3000A.

Is the ABB 362PMI50-30 SF6 circuit breaker suitable for outdoor conditions?

The ABB 362PMI50-30 SF6 circuit breaker is engineered to withstand extreme conditions.

Is this breaker compliant with current industry standards?

Yes, the ABB 362PMI50-30 SF6 circuit breaker has been refurbished to align with applicable safety and performance standards.

What is the weight of the ABB 362PMI50-30 345KV circuit breaker?

This circuit breaker weighs 17,0000 LBS with gas. Each breaker contains 300 LBS of gas.