Part Number: IC3600AIAC1

Manufacturer: General Electric

Series: MKII

Description: Circuit Board

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The IC3600AIAC1 is a GE FANUC Amplifier Drive Card. It is manufactured as a component for the Mark I/Mark II systems. These series were both developed by GE to manage steam/gas turbine systems. The MKI and MKII can manage turbines with a rated capacity of 4000 hp for an individual turbine to combined systems with a capacity of 400 Mw. These two early Speedtronic systems can control the turbine output, limit its max output to within the unit’s capability, sequence control parameters and auxiliaries for startup, perform a protective shutdown during a non-recoverable system failure, and monitor malfunctions within the system. The IC3600AIAC1 has factory-drilled holes in two of its four corners. Twenty-five metal pins are inserted into the opposite side of the board. These are right-angled pins. Underneath these, the surface is numbered from two to fifty by tens. These pins are used as a connector or backplane to link the card to the rest of the system. Two large relays take up a large portion of the board’s surface. The board also has two trim potentiometers, several transistors of different styles, and many resistors, capacitors, and diodes. Capacitors tend to be made of polyester vinyl or aluminum electrolytic material. Resistors are metal film. Many components have been mounted vertically.