SIEMENS 6500 HP 6900 Volt

6500 HP Variable Frequency Drive

Perfect Harmony GH180

Input: 6900 Volt, 60Hz, 3PH, 595A

Output: 0-6900 Volt, 0-66Hz, 3PH, 660A

Dimensions: 308″ W x 54″ D x 129″

Condition: New

Upgraded with the NXGPro controls

18 Power Cells

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Frequently Asked QUestions

What is a Variable Frequency Drive?

A VFD such as this Siemens Perfect Harmony GH180 6500 HP 6900V unit, is a device that controls the speed of an electric motor by adjusting the voltage and frequency of the power supply. Variable Frequency Drives are also known as inverters, adjustable speed drives, and AC drives.

How are Variable Frequency Drives, such as the Siemens 6500 HP 6900V VFD classified?

Siemens Perfect Harmony GH180 VFDs are primarily classified based on the type of AC motor they control, which can include induction motors, synchronous motors, sensorless vector motors, and servo motors; additionally, they can be categorized by their internal topology, such as voltage source inverter (VSI) drives, current source inverter (CSI) drives, or cycloconverter drives depending on the design and application needs.

What are the input and output of the Siemens Perfect Harmony GH180 6500 HP 6900V VFD?

Input: 6900 Volt, 60Hz, 3PH, 595A
Output: 0-6900 Volt, 0-66Hz, 3PH, 660A

What types of motors can the Siemens Perfect Harmony GH180 6900V 6500 Horsepower Variable Frequency Drive operate?

Siemens Perfect Harmony VFDs with NXGpro controls support induction, wound rotor, synchronous, permanent magnet, and superconducting motors.

What is NXGPro ToolSuite?

NXGPro ToolSuite is a PC-based Graphical User Interface (GUI) application that integrates various software tools for NXGPro-based drives. It is used for Variable Frequency Drives with NXGpro controls such as this Siemens Perfect Harmony GH180 6500 HP 6900V VFD.

Does NXGPro ToolSuite have password protection?

Yes, it features a multilevel password system that matches the Siemens Perfect Harmony GH180 VFD security settings.

Can the Siemens Perfect Harmony GH180 6900V 6500 HP VFD be used with existing motors?

Yes, the Siemens Perfect Harmony 6500 Horsepower 6900 Volt Variable Frequency Drive eliminates additional losses due to harmonics and works with new or existing motors without derating.

What makes the Siemens Perfect Harmony GH180 6500 HP 6900V Variable Frequency Drive design unique?

The Siemens Perfect Harmony GH180 VFD uses a modular configuration with linked power cells, ensuring superior power quality and reliability.