Part Number: DS200AAHA1A

Manufacturer: General Electric

Series: MKV

Description: Arcnet Act Hub Lan Driver

DS200AAHA1A is an ArcNet act hub LAN drvr and is part of the GE Speedtronic MKV gas turbine control.


The DS200AAHA1A is an ARCNET connector Board made by General Electric and was created to be a part of the control panel of a Speedtronic Mark V LM. It provides connector and interfacing capabilities between a control engine that has I/O cores and external hardware. The control engine is typically held within the core and needs to use two AAHA boards. One used to facilitate a Stage Link between the user interface and the core and the other to connect the core with the COREBUS to allow communication to happen between the I/O cores and the control engine. The DS200EK1 requires no hardware or software alterations to function once it is installed and is relatively small. It has an ARC BNC-B labeled P1 and an ARC BNC-A port labeled P1 along with an E2 and E1 LED indicator. There is an EPL 9-pin connector that is usually not used and an APL 10-pin connector port that serves as the ARCNET communications link. IC Spares is available to speak with you via phone or email about all of your automation needs. Our staff can provide pricing information for any part or repair. ‘